Tax Advantages of having an Electric Vehicle

As the effects of the pandemic are easing in the UK and more people are going back to the office, you may want to consider switching your current car to an Electric Vehicle. Electric vehicles (EVs) and Hybrid vehicles are becoming a much more viable vehicle option as more charging points are installed, and more […]

Making Tax Digital (MTD) for Income Tax

Making Tax Digital (‘MTD’) for Income Tax Self Assessment Self-employed businesses and landlords with annual business or property income above £10,000 will need to follow the rules for MTD for Income Tax from their next accounting period starting on or after 6 April 2023. What this means is that these taxpayers will have keep digital […]

The Winter Economy Plan

On the 24th of September, the UK government outlined a series of tax plans to help sustain the economy during the winter months. The Jobs Support Scheme In order to protect the jobs whose demand has been reduced by the coronavirus, the government introduced a new scheme, The Job Support Scheme, which is expected for […]

IHT planning for non UK Residents

If you are a non UK Resident, your family and the beneficiary of your estate will be subject to IHT (Inheritance Tax) on the value of your assets located in the United Kingdom. Tax planning Did you know that if an asset located in the UK is owned through an overseas close company, values of […]

VAT temporary reduction broken down

VAT temporary reduction broken down.   Since the announcement by the Chancellor on 8th July, most businesses in the tourism and hospitality industry will be charging 5% VAT on some or most of their sales. The reduced rate applies to hotel and accommodations, restaurants, pubs, cafes and other business operations like this. Cold take away […]

Expenses you can claim working from home.

Expenses you can claim working from home. With the outbreak of coronavirus, many businesses have been advised to work from home if they can. For others, working at home has become a norm due to self-isolation or shielding measures as advised by NHS because they are at severe risk of illness or have an underlying […]